

Registration Fee


Early Bird Rate

(Before July 16, 2024)

Late Registration Rate

(After July 16, 2024)


RMB 1200

RMB 1800

Members (China Power Supply Society)

RMB 1000

RMB 1600

Members (EMC Committee of China Power Supply Society)

RMB 1000

RMB 1600

Authors of Papers

RMB 2000, plus RMB 1000 for each additional paper

RMB 2600, plus RMB 1000 for each additional paper


RMB 800

RMB 1400

1.During the conference, meals will be arranged uniformly, accommodation is self-care, and no pick-up service is provided.

2.This conference offers online registration. Participants registering before July 16, 2024, will qualify for early bird rates. Participants who register after July 16, 2024, will need to pay an additional RMB 600.

3.One “Authors of Papers” registration is eligible to present one paper with extra fee of RMB 1000 for each additional paper. Student registration cannot present papers. 



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